Becoming A Checker

Getting Started As A Checker


What sets Checkeli apart from other service providers is that it’s not just a network, it’s a community. Local people helping other locals while forming bonds in the process creates the stitches of a more tightly-knit yet wider community. We emphasise community spirit with our tone of voice and messaging


There is no limit to the support Checkers can offer. From help with those tough jobs like gardening or moving furniture, to simply checking up on or spending time enjoying a light activity together, Checkeli can find the right Checker to help you.


Creating a safe platform for both Checkers and Clients is of the utmost importance to Checkeli. We build confidence through positive messaging, success stories and reiteration of our commitment to safety. We demonstrate this through the checks, measures and protections that Checkeli has established to keep you safe.

Still Have A Question? Reach Out!

(255) 352-6258

Phone Number

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